877.398.RENT (7368)
Boulder, Colorado Audio Visual Rentals

Boulder, Colorado

Audio Visual

Audio Visual Boulder Rentals

Boulder Audio Visual Rentals

             Renting AV equipment is fast and efficient when you use Rentech Solutions in Boulder, Colorado. We provide PA systems, wireless microphones, camcorders, DVD players, plasmas and much more to our Boulder clients. An AV rental is perfect for your Boulder trade show, holiday party or corporate recognition event. We can also assist creating a great wedding reception.  We can supply the AV rentals that professionals use so you can make your personal event excel. Rent AV equipment for a retirement party in Boulder. You’ll need equipment to deliver speeches, a podium, and a digital camcorder to record the celebration. Let one of our friendly and knowledgeable account managers help you with your next audio visual rental in Boulder, Colorado. Call Rentech Solutions today and experience high quality products and service.


“Thanks Dan these really worked out great. Many of the attendees asked where I rented the machines for their future events!”
— A. Scudder
Rentech Solutions Does Not Maintain Local Facilities In All Areas Serviced.